Peer Reflections

Nurturing Wellness through Creativity and Compassion

Laying The Foundation

Before We Dive In

I am excited to share skills and tools with you, fellow readers, but before we dive in, it’s important to lay some groundwork. No structure can stand without a sturdy base, and I strongly feel it’s worth taking the time to build that foundation. This blog is not a place for quick fixes or simple solutions—it’s about meaningful, sustainable growth.

When I talk about laying the groundwork, I don’t mean core beliefs or values—that’s the foundation of you as a person, and we’ll explore those topics later. For now, I’m talking about the foundation for growth: a willingness to notice, a spark of curiosity, and the practice of observing without judgment. These three elements are all you need to start. You don’t need to be happy or have anything figured out.

Noticing, Curiosity and Non-Judgement

What then is noticing? I mean developing the ability to pause and simply observe your thoughts, feelings, and surroundings without immediately reacting. Non-judgment means acknowledging what you notice without labeling it as good or bad—just letting it exist. And curiosity? That’s the spark that encourages you to explore what you notice, to ask yourself questions like, ‘Why am I feeling this way?’ or ‘What might this be telling me?’

These three skills are the foundation for growth because they help us slow down, become more present, and create space for change. They lay a foundation that allows you to understand yourself better and make informed decisions about your mental health. In future posts, we’ll explore each of these in more detail, with practical tips to help you incorporate them into your life.

Being Swept Away

For the longest time, I felt like I was being carried along by a current—no line of sight, no equipment, just being swept away. I bumped into anything in my path, not even caring if it hurt. There were moments I struggled to breathe, even hoping the water would pull me under so everything could end.

But there came a moment—a small but pivotal moment—when something inside me stirred. It wasn’t a grand epiphany or a sudden surge of strength. It was just the tiniest flicker of courage, enough to make me wonder: What if I could get out of this river? I didn’t have tools, and I had no idea what lay beyond the banks. But even with all that uncertainty, I decided to fight the current and forge my own path. The road ahead was unknown, but for the first time, I made a choice. And that choice changed everything.

Looking back, I can see how starting with those three foundational skills—just noticing, being curious, and holding back judgment—helped me begin to shift. They didn’t fix everything overnight, but they gave me something to hold onto, a way to start navigating the current instead of being pulled under by it.

Growth Is A Process

Our culture thrives on instant gratification: “I tried it for five minutes, and it didn’t work, so it must not work for me.” This mindset keeps us stuck. Growth is a process—it takes time, effort, and yes, even failure. But I don’t want this reality to discourage you. Instead, I hope to share my process—moving from oblivion about my mental and emotional needs to intentionally applying these skills, even when I stumbled or fell off track.

It’s not about perfection. It’s about showing up, trying, and making adjustments along the way. It took me seven years to go from despair to thriving, and I want to be real about that journey. Your personal growth is worth the time and effort it takes to build this foundation.

So let’s start with the basics. I’ll break things down one idea at a time, moving deliberately and intentionally. These skills can feel slow at first, but they create a foundation that will support everything that comes next. You are worth the effort it takes to build a better life—and I’ll be here to guide you every step of the way.
